Where Are Termites Found To Be Most Active In Australia

Where Are Termites Found To Be Most Active In Australia

Usually, we get a lot of pest questions. People are asking us about the best ways to avoid pests from returning, or the best ways to remove irritating requirements. A termite inspection is one of the subjects we get the most frequently asked questions about though. People also want to know how often a termite inspection can take place to ensure that their homes stay free from these potentially devastating insects.

Unfortunately, there’s not a single guideline on how much you have to do an Australian termite inspection. To understand how often you should have a termite inspection for your home or company, let’s look at the factors that make your home or business have higher or lower risk for protection. 

Geographicaz Location

The single biggest determiner of the level of danger for your home or company is probably its geographic location. A CSIRO study suggested that when it comes to termites Sydney is in the “extreme risk” category. That’s only one step below “really high,” a portion of which are cities like Brisbane and Rockhampton. 

The same CSIRO research also suggests that one in three homes in these high-risk regions is vulnerable to infestation with termites. If you have a neighbour on either side of your building, this means that one of you is statistically prone to infestation (because there are three homes and one is vulnerable).

Properties situated in these high-risk areas should have a termite inspection performed at least once a year, but you might have them twice a year if you want to be on the safe side of things. There are cases, however, where you may want to get an inspection completed before the 12-month period. 

Your Neighbours Had Termites in The Past or Present

If you have termites in your neighbour’s home or company, it’s usually a good idea to have an inspection. Despite their small size, termites from their colonies can fly 50 to 80 metres. This amazing range of travel means that if your neighbour’s home has issues with termite, then there’s a chance they’ve found their way to your home too. Because of how quickly termites can do harm, you’d definitely want an inspection done to make sure that your home is still free from these nasty insects.

You Had A Flood in The Past 

Termites prefer conditions which are hot. They thrive in dark and humid areas. Inspections several times show termites after any water damage has occurred. They may have had a plumbing leak, for example, that was flooding the basement. Although things can look dry on the outside when this occurs, there may still be quite a bit of moisture behind the walls. Unfortunately, this damp environment is ideal for termites. It is also a location where you couldn’t find them!

Your Home or Office Faced Termites In The Past

Not only can pest control firms kill termites but they also introduce defensive measures to ensure that these insects do not return. If you have this protective shield in place then holding the inspection period for 12 months should be perfect. The barrier will keep the termites away from home and make sure you don’t have any new colonies emerging all year round. 

But if you don’t have this barrier in place or if you’ve had a long history of problems with termite, then you will need more routine inspections. You may need to increase your frequency to twice a year, rather than just once. Recall that termites in a short period of time can do quite a bit of harm. The queen of an existing colony will have 40,000 eggs a day while your home will not fall over in one year. As you might expect, this is a problem that gets ballooning out of control fast!

Schedule A Termite Inspection Atleast Once A Year

One termite inspection should be scheduled once a year, for most homes and companies in Australia. If you have particular issues, either with an active colony or with environmental factors that can contribute to an active colony of insects, then you may want to do a biannual review.

Of course, whether you purchase a house, sell your home, or if you see any signs of termites (wings, clicking sounds, cracks, wood tunnels, warping, etc.), then you can immediately contact a pest control firm, for instance, Tradie Team. They have a certified pest control specialist looking at your homes or offices and making sure there’s nothing wrong with that.